Google Speech API
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English Pronunciation Training Machine
I made a pronunciation training machine using Google Speech API, because it is difficult for the Japanese to distinguish "L" and "R" pronunciations. ...
IoT / Raspberry Pi / 電子工作
我使用谷歌语音 api 制作了语音训练机, 因为日本人很难区分 "l" 和 "r" 发音。 概述 如果您通过对 "右" 或 "光" 说话来与连接到 raspberry pi 的 usb 麦克风对话并正确识别它, 则伺服马达在 "右" 时指向右侧, 如果是 "光", 则 led 指示灯。 ...
IoT / Raspberry Pi / 電子工作