English Pronunciation Training Machine

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I made a pronunciation training machine using Google Speech API, because it is difficult for the Japanese to distinguish “L” and “R” pronunciations.


If you talk to the USB microphone connected to the Raspberry Pi by speaking to “right” or “light” and recognize it correctly, the servo motor points to the right when “right,” and the LED lights if it is “light”.



      • Mike uses the camera on Wed

      • Raspberry Pi 3

      • Microcomputer Arduino uno

      • Neopixel Ring – 12 consecutive full color serial leds

      • Servo motor SG90

Raspie settings

Install voice processing library sox.

Python programs

When recording, light the red LED. When it recognizes “right” and “light” it sends a signal to Arduino (GPIO).

Arduino IDE Program

The library for NeoPixel is below.

Code to receive the signal from the Raspberry Pi and control the servo and the NeoPixel ring.



L R pronunciation correction Gibbs Dad hen pronunciation training machine #right #light #raspberrypi #arduino #neopixel

Posts shared by Home made garbage (@homemadegarbage)-


L R pronunciation correction Gibbs mom hen pronunciation training machine #right #light #raspberrypi #arduino #neopixel

Posts shared by Home made garbage (@homemadegarbage)-



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