Voice-activated Patrol Lamp

お父ちゃん  2016.5.18 
Home > 電子工作 > Voice-activated Patrol Lamp
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This is voice-activated Patrol Lamp. It have mic and sense voice. While sensing the voice, the lamp operate.
LED is light when it detects a certain degree of amplitude picked up the sound with a microphone , and around a small motor .

Parts List

  • Motor driver module DRV8830

  • The motor for the vibrating motor LA4-466FB
  • LED tape neopixel

  • High sensitivity MIC amplifier kit

  • Lithium-ion polymer battery 110mAh

  • Adafruit Trinket 3.3 V

  • Trinket Battery Module




PET bottle cap with a light-shielding plate to the motor fixed , it rotates around the LED.

Fix the plastic bottle cap with a light-shielding plate on the motor and

Rotate the LED tape around the center.

Arduino Code

The microcomputer adafruit trinket used is small and convenient!



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#電子工作 #adafruit Https://homemadegarbage.com/patlamp to respond to sound

Posts shared by Home made garbage (@homemadegarbage)-

I want to run around saying “Woo-woo” outside at night.



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