Head Mounted Display “Nirvana”
We made Head Mounted Display “Nirvana”. “Nirvana” allows you to see the place you want to see anywhere using the endoscopic camera.
“Nirvana” consists of a head-mounted display and the endoscopic camera .
The display of headset show the two real-time video of endoscopic camera for the left eye and the right eye using Raspberry Pi 3.
By directing the endoscopic camera in various directions, you can see everywhere!
How to use
Turn on the power, then attach the head-mounted display. Toward an object has a camera in hand .
Usefulness of this unit such as the following situations will be exhibited more.
7 inches IGZO Display and endoscopic camera are connected to Raspberry Pi 3. The mobile battery is used for power supply. The display is mounted by processing a commercial VR goggles.
- Raspberry PI 3
7 inch Igzo LCD panel for Raspberry pi
- USB endoscope Camera
- Mobile Battery
VR goggles 3d
Python Code
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import cv2 import numpy as np cv2.namedWindow("bg") cv2.namedWindow("left") cv2.namedWindow("right") cv2.namedWindow("bg_mask") img = np.empty((1200,1920,3)) img.fill(0) img2 = np.empty((275,1920,3)) img2.fill(0) cv2.moveWindow("bg",0,0) cv2.moveWindow("left",156,312) cv2.moveWindow("right",996,312) cv2.moveWindow("bg_mask",0,0) src = cv2.VideoCapture(0) num = 1.2 height = int(480 * num) width = int(640 * num) cv2.imshow("bg",img) cv2.imshow("bg_mask",img2) while True: retval, frame = src.read() if frame is None: break resizedImg = cv2.resize(frame,(width,height)) # show cv2.imshow("left",resizedImg) cv2.imshow("right",resizedImg) # quit esc key key = cv2.waitKey(33) if key == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows() src.release() |