Inter-device Communication Using Blynk Bridge Widget

お父ちゃん  2017.4.4 
Home > 電子工作 > Inter-device Communication Using Blynk Bridge Widget
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I tried communicating between Wi-Fi devices using Blynk‘s Bridge widget!


Part A

Send the value of the Nunchaku controller’s joystick to the Blynk server via Wi-Fi.

  • Wii Nunchuck Controller

  • ESP-WROOM-02 Development Board

  • Battery module

  • Li-ion polymer battery 400mAh

Part B

Receive the joystick values sent to the Blynk server and move the LED eyeball.

  • LED tape Neopixel led 68 pieces used

  • Cheap ESP8266 Development Board

Blynk settings

Create two projects and acquire two Auth Tokens. Since the application is not used directly, detailed setting is not necessary at all.

Below is a blynk library for Arduino.

Arduino IDE Program

Part A

The following Wii Nunchuck Library was used to connect to the microcomputer.

Part B

The library for LEDs used the following:



Blynk Bridge Widget #blynk #esp8266 #neopixel

Posts shared by Home made garbage (@homemadegarbage)-

Using Blynk, you can easily communicate between devices!Moreover, the communication setting etc. to the server is not conscious at all easily ♪

It is a function that seems to spread various possibilities!



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