Neopixel LED Eyeball Controlled by Nunchuck

お父ちゃん  2017.3.9 
Home > 電子工作 > Neopixel LED Eyeball Controlled by Nunchuck
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I made an LED eyeball controlled by a Nintendo Wii Nunchuck Controller.


Microcontroller uses Arduino Uno

68 LEDs (Neopixel) are used for the eye ball.


The LEDs are fixed to the bowl with double-sided tape and wired in the following order.

Use Wii Nunchuck on controller

Wii Nunchuck settings

Here’s a library to connect the Wii Nunchuck to the Arduino.

The wiring method of the Wii Nunchuck was referring to the following.

  • Wii VDD pin to Arduino 3.3V pin
  • Wii GND pin to Arduino GNDpin
  • Wii SDA pin to Arduino A4
  • Wii SCL pin to Arduino A5

Arduino IDE Code

I wrote the program example Wiichuckdemo.ino of the Wiichuck_adapter library as a reference.

Move the eyes and eyelids with the joystick and change the color of the pupil with the Z button.



#arduino #led #wii

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