Replace video audio with FFmpeg

お母ちゃん  2018.12.13 
Home > 電子工作 > Replace video audio with FFmpeg
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If you want to replace the audio after you export the music video… Video software (using the Premire) to re-export troublesome, I finally found to examine the ffmpeg!

The video is copied and the audio is AAC encoded, and the processing ends soon!

I was allowed to reference

Guide to video editing with FFmpeg-Moriyoshi Diary


Until we reach the top way…

Separate and join

Extract only the video from the original video and then combine another voice… .

It takes time that the video is encoded by this method of joining.
I tried to find a way to combine it with copy, so I got an error.

Error 1

-Vcodec copy-acodec copy 


Error 2

Another way of examining

A little different error




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